
Showing posts from August, 2020

Gligli P600 Noise Mod V2.23 JRS

A user let me know that I had broken compatibility with older presets.   I made some changes that fixes the corrupted presets. Remember to backup your presets before updating. V2.23 zip file for the .SYX file:

Gligli P600 noise mod firmware V2.22 JRS

Last night I was interested in doing a couple of quantized or bit reduced LFO waveforms inspired by using Step 8 and Seq. So I quantized the triangle and sine waves to 4 and 6 bits respectively. I wanted them to sound super "steppy." Version 2.22 JRS Added two new LFO waveforms: 4bit Triangle and 6bit Sine Link to a .ZIP of the V2.22 .SYX file:

Gligli Noise Mod Version 2.21 JS

I updated the code to "Version 2.21 JS" to add: 1) Added channel aftertouch (e.g., channel pressure). If you use an external controller that has aftertouch controlling the Prophet 600, the Prophet 600 now uses this MIDI channel aftertouch data to modulate whatever the Mod-wheel is modulating. For example, I used it to apply vibrato to notes. 2) Added new LFO waveform Step4 to replace the placeholder of "none."   You can get a zipped version of the .SYX file here: Sound samples of me tweaking the new parameters:

Gligli P600 Noise Mod Version 2.20 JRS

  I updated Gligli 2.1 RC3 to Version 2.20 Noise Mod by adding the following features: 1) Three (3) new LFO waveforms added: reverse saw (revsaw) from Overcycler   gligli/overcycler: Hybrid polyphonic wavetable ... - › gligli › overcycler   as well as adding Step8 and Seq from JHHL's code  The new LFO waveforms are paired as follows:  Step8-RevSaw Seq-none Thus, you would select "step8-RevSaw" and the LFO waveform switch would be in the "up" position (like for triangle, saw, and sine) to select RevSaw. Note, if the LFO switch is in the "up" position and "Seq-none" is selected, currently the LFO would be disabled, e.g., there would be no output. I am going to replace "none" with a new waveform when I get a chance. I may add Step4 just to plug in the hole. 2) New Pitchbender target VCO B only (note the second new pitch bender target "PW" does not work yet)  3) New noise so...

Prophet 600 Noise Source Modification

So, I modified my  Prophet 600  to have a noise source, with a level parameter that is storable with a patch. I was inspired by a Japanese  Prophet 600  mod I saw online a while back. He documented what he did very well. The goals were as follows: 1) Modify the GliGli FW to add a noise source using what was the external filter CV input  2) rewire the external filter CV so I still have an external filter CV and it no longer goes thru U458 (CEM 3360) 3) build a hardware noise source run it through U458 which is under software control, accessible using "To tape" and pressing 0 twice ("To tape 0 twice" is/was a duplicate arpeggio speed control.) So here is where I'm at: 1) The code is done and works. I can save and recall the Noise parameter and the code controls U458 to make the noise level settable by the front panel. The code I modified so far seems stable. 2)  I cut a trace...