I updated Gligli 2.1 RC3 to Version 2.20 Noise Mod by adding the following features: 1) Three (3) new LFO waveforms added: reverse saw (revsaw) from Overcycler gligli/overcycler: Hybrid polyphonic wavetable ... - GitHubgithub.com › gligli › overcycler as well as adding Step8 and Seq from JHHL's code http://jhhl.net/Software/p600.html The new LFO waveforms are paired as follows: Step8-RevSaw Seq-none Thus, you would select "step8-RevSaw" and the LFO waveform switch would be in the "up" position (like for triangle, saw, and sine) to select RevSaw. Note, if the LFO switch is in the "up" position and "Seq-none" is selected, currently the LFO would be disabled, e.g., there would be no output. I am going to replace "none" with a new waveform when I get a chance. I may add Step4 just to plug in the hole. 2) New Pitchbender target VCO B only (note the second new pitch bender target "PW" does not work yet) 3) New noise so...