Prophet 600 Noise Source Modification

So, I modified my 
Prophet 600 to have a noise source, with a level parameter that is storable with a patch. I was inspired by a Japanese Prophet 600 mod I saw online a while back. He documented what he did very well.

The goals were as follows:
1) Modify the GliGli FW to add a noise source using what was the external filter CV input 
2) rewire the external filter CV so I still have an external filter CV and it no longer goes thru U458 (CEM 3360)
3) build a hardware noise source run it through U458 which is under software control, accessible using "To tape" and pressing 0 twice ("To tape 0 twice" is/was a duplicate arpeggio speed control.)

So here is where I'm at:
1) The code is done and works. I can save and recall the Noise parameter and the code controls U458 to make the noise level settable by the front panel. The code I modified so far seems stable.
2)  I cut a trace leading from pins 1 and 2 of U467 to the Filter CV inputs of the six CEM3372s. I ran a wire from U467 pin 1 to a 100K ohm resistor (6 in total), going to the A input on every CEM 3372.
3) I installed the hardware noise source and lifted R4219, feeding the noise source to R4219 and jumped the CV in jack to the Filter CV inputs of the six CEM3372s.

Of note, when I flashed the FW, I had unrelated tuning problems (I checked by going back to the official 2.1 release 3 that was previously working for me). I ended up having to retune by letting it warm up for like 30 min and adjusting the scaling trimmers for all 6 voices (A and B) so they matched each other (using the voice defeat one voice at a time) then hitting Tune. It seems to be the only thing that worked for me. I tried hitting the tune button a few times before adjusting the scaling and the voices were horribly out of tune with each other)

I am hoping to put up a video and some photos of the Mod within a few weeks.
Here is my updated .SYX file for a gligli modified P600. My code (version 2.20) is based on version 2.10 RC3.

For the noise source, I used the circuit form the TR909. I found some PCBs from Michigan Synth Works that made the job easy. Of note, the shift registers were a pain to find.

The noise source PCB installed in my Prophet 600. The scope shows the noise at about 6V p-p.


  1. Hello, I was looking at this and then wondering if it would be possible to switch/fade between a white noise and pink noise source, I'm assuming the CV goes from 0-2V for the external input control. If I put this through some opamps I can make it fade from 2V-0V and 0V-2V on two different outputs, 0V for both outputs being half way on the original CV, feed these into the orginal and a copy of the 3360 circuit each one being fed from a pink and a white noise source. Mix the outputs of the 3360's together and you have a dual noise source, I have an Electric Druid Noise2 chip for the source, it generates 0-5V pink and white noise.


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