Prophet 600 Noise Source Modification
So, I modified my Prophet 600 to have a noise source, with a level parameter that is storable with a patch. I was inspired by a Japanese Prophet 600 mod I saw online a while back. He documented what he did very well. The goals were as follows: 1) Modify the GliGli FW to add a noise source using what was the external filter CV input 2) rewire the external filter CV so I still have an external filter CV and it no longer goes thru U458 (CEM 3360) 3) build a hardware noise source run it through U458 which is under software control, accessible using "To tape" and pressing 0 twice ("To tape 0 twice" is/was a duplicate arpeggio speed control.) So here is where I'm at: 1) The code is done and works. I can save and recall the Noise parameter and the code controls U458 to make the noise level settable by the front panel. The code I modified so far seems stable. 2) I cut a trace...
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